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Josephs, E. L., Fosco, C.L., Oliva, A. (submitted). Artifact magnification on deepfake videos increases human detection and subjective confidence. preprint


*Fosco, C. L., *Josephs, E. L., Andonian, A., Lee, A., Wang, X. & Oliva, A. (under review). Deepfake Caricatures: Amplifying attention to artifacts increases deepfake detection by humans and machine. Asterix denote co-first author contributions. preprint



Peered-Reviewed Publications


Fosco, C.L., Jin, S.Y., Josephs, E.L., Oliva, A. (2023). Leveraging Temporal Context in Low Representational Power Regimes. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.


Josephs, E.L., Hebart, M.N., Konkle, T. (2023). Dimensions underlying human understanding of the reachable world. Cognition. 34(105368). pdf 


Josephs, E. L., Zhao, H., & Konkle, T. (2021). The world within reach: an image database of reach-relevant environments. Journal of Vision, 21(14), 1-11. pdf


Park, J., Josephs, E., & Konkle, T. (under review). Systematic transition from boundary extension to contraction along an object-to-scene continuum. preprint


Josephs, E.L. & Konkle, T. (2020). Large-scale dissociations between views of objects, scenes, and reachable-scale environments in visual cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(47)  29354-29362 author's copy; supplement


Josephs, E.L. & Konkle, T. (2019). Perceptual dissociations among views of objects, scenes, and reachable spaces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(6), 715. pdf


Josephs, E.L., Draschkow, D., Wolfe, J.M., Võ, M.L-H. (2016). Gist in time: scene semantics and structure enhance recall of searched objects. Acta Psychologica, 169. 100-108. pdf


Josephs, E.L., Drew, T., Wolfe, J.M. (2016). Shuffling your way out of change blindness. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 23(1), 193-200. pdf


Wolfe, J.W, Boettcher, S.E.B, Josephs, E. L., Cunningham, C. A., Drew, T. (2015). You look familiar, but I don’t care: Lure rejection in hybrid visual and memory search is not based on familiarity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41(6), 1576.


Wolfe, J.M., Evans, K.K.,  Drew, T., Aizenman, A. A., Josephs, E. L. (2016). How do radiologists use the human search engine? Radiation protection dosimetry, 169(1-4), 24-31.




Conference Presentations


*Fosco, C.L., *Josephs, E.L., Andonian, A., Oliva, A. (2022, May). Deepfake Caricatures: Human-guided Motion Magnification Improves Deepfake Detection by Humans and Machines. Poster presented at the 22nd annual meeting of the Vision Science. (Asterix indicates co-first authorship). [pdf]


Josephs, E.L. & Konkle, T. (2021, May). Emergent dimensions underlying human perception of the reachable world. Poster presented at the 21th annual meeting of the Vision Science Society. [pdf]


Josephs, E.L. & Konkle, T. (2020, May). Building a reachspace database: a large-scale stimulus set of reachable environments. Poster presented at the 20th annual meeting of the Vision Science Society. [pdf] [video]


Josephs, E.L. & Konkle, T. (2019, May). Large scale neural dissociation between views of objects, scenes, and reachable spaces. Poster presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Vision Science Society, St Pete's Beach, FL, USA. [pdf]


Josephs, E.L. & Konkle, T. (2018, September). Neural and computational dissociations between objects, scenes, and near-scale reachspaces. Poster presented at the 2nd annual Computational Cognitive Neuroscience conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA. [pdf]


Josephs, E.L. & Konkle, T. (2018, May). Neural representations of reachspaces dissociate from scenes and objects. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Vision Science Society, St Pete's Beach, FL, USA. [pdf]


Josephs, E.L., Konkle, T. (2017, September). Dissociable representations of objects, scenes, and intermediate views. Poster presented at the 1st annual Computational Cognitive Neuroscience conference, New York City, NY, USA. [pdf]


Josephs, E.L., Konkle, T. (2017, May). Objects, scenes, and the spaces in between: reachspaces have distinctive perceptual and semantic content. Talk presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Vision Science Society, St Pete’s Beach, FL, USA.


Josephs, E.L., Cain, M.S., Hidalgo-Sotelo, B., Cook, G.W., Chang, N.L., Ehinger, K.A., Oliva, A., Wolfe, J.M. (2015, May). When is stereopsis useful in visual search? Poster presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Vision Science Society, St Pete’s Beach, FL, USA.


Cain, M., Josephs, E.L, & Wolfe, J. (2015, May). Keep on rolling: Visual search asymmetries in 3D scenes with motion-defined targets. Poster presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Vision Science Society, St Pete’s Beach, FL, USA.


Josephs, E.L., Draschkow, D., Võ, M.L-H., Wolfe, J.M. (2014, May).  Active Visual Search Boosts Memory for Objects, but Only When Making a Scene. Talk presented at the 14th annual meeting of the Vision Science Society, St Pete’s Beach, FL, USA.

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